I have excuses, but... whatever.
For one thing, Matt and I have now finished our fun project to create an informative website on keeping chickens in Missoula. I got the approval of a local sustainable non-profit, called MUD (Missoula Urban Demonstration) to use their website as a host for the chicken website. Thanks also to my friend Julie who helped me think of a few extra things to include.
To see the new website, now public, go to;
Additionally, now that the snow is melting, the chickens are willing and permitted to terrorize our property. The melty slushy mess makes for good chicken tracks, so I took a photo late this afternoon. As you can see, as I took the shot the chickens came by to investigate. I think that is Biggie's chest in the corner, and I'm fairly sure that is one of Mrs. Tweedy's toes in the top of the photo.
Lastly, I just want to memorialize my friend's two chickens that got attacked and killed by their neighbor's cat. They were good chickens, friendly and fluffy. One was a good egg layer, and the other one had a fabulous personality and amazing feathers. We'll miss them dearly, and I was so sad to hear of their loss. RIP, two hens.
Yes, no excuse. I want more chicken posts!
Sorry for the hens... think Matt would give up one of his gals as a sympathy chicken to your friend? Oh wait, you guys might run out of eggs then, huh? (just kidding - how many dozen do you produce a week?!?!)
Average of 5 eggs a day, 7 days a week, 35 eggs a week = just under 3 dozen a week.
We give a lot away... yeah.
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